Bathroom Pass Toilet Chart

$0.00 including GST

This toilet chart enables the teacher to be able to quickly and easily see who is not in the classroom at a given time. It also regulates the number of students that can visit the bathroom at the same time.

This product is a digital product and will be downloadable after purchase.



This toilet chart enables the teacher to be able to quickly and easily see who is not in the classroom at a given time. It also regulates the number of students that can visit the bathroom at the same time.

My students still find this chart fun to use mid-year!

* I am Visiting the Toilet
* I am Visiting the Bathroom

This file contains a digital copy of the chart, which needs to be enlarged to A3 and printed on coloured card. It also contains instructions and photos of the chart displayed in the classroom.

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** This product (toilet chart) may be printed and photocopied by the original purchaser only and may not be shared, copied or distributed in any way. Please respect the copyright of my products by directing your colleagues to my store. Multiple licences must be purchased if you wish to use this resource with other teachers.

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