Year 8 ENGLISH Australian Curriculum Reporting Grade Descriptors

$12.32 including GST

These Year 8 English Reporting Grade Descriptors are a great way for teachers to track everything students should be learning throughout each semester of the school year. They are an amazing time saver at report writing time and allow teachers to easily see what each student has achieved.

This product is a digital product and will be downloadable after purchase.


These Year 8 English Reporting Grade Descriptors are a great way for teachers to track everything students should be learning throughout each semester of the school year. They are an amazing time saver at report writing time and allow teachers to easily see what each student has achieved.

Make assigning grades to your students simple with these Reporting Grade Descriptors and use them to show parents during parent meetings. You can even use them to help develop a bank of report comments (but please note, that the documents can not be copied and pasted). This resource contains Semester 1 and Semester 2 English Reporting Grade Descriptors for Year 8. These rubrics have been developed using the Australian Curriculum (version 8.3).

Digital highlighting now available! Save paper and highlight and save each student’s file to your computer as you go.

This file contains reporting grade descriptors for:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening

How I use them:

  • Print a copy for each child.
  • Place each child’s name at the top.
  • For each student, go through and highlight all the things that that student has achieved.
  • You can now see which grade to give each child, depending on how much of each column is highlighted.

* Please note – this document is NON-EDITABLE due to copyright restrictions.

The Semester 2 Grade Descriptors indicate what students should be achieving by the end of the year. Descriptors are different for Semester 1 – these indicate what students should be achieving mid-year.

Purchase multiple licences (at a discount price) and use as a whole school moderation resource.

*** Please note: C grade descriptors for Semester 2 are derived from the Australian Curriculum content descriptors. All other grade descriptors (A, B, D and E) are based on professional judgement by myself or in collaboration with colleagues. These rubrics are intended as a guide only and you must always use your own professional judgement, school policies and department documents as necessary.

Find Australian Curriculum Grade Descriptors for other subjects and year levels here:

Australian Curriculum Grade Descriptors

** This product may be printed and photocopied by the original purchaser only and may not be shared, copied or distributed in any way. Please respect the copyright of my products by directing your colleagues to my store. Multiple licences must be purchased if you wish to use this resource with other teachers.

Based on Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) materials downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website in April 2021. ACARA does not endorse any changes that have been made to the Australian Curriculum.

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